Westphalia Noodles
For those of you unfamiliar with Westphalia, TX, it's a small Catholic farming town just east of Temple, TX. The Catholic church hosts it's annual Westphalia Picnic where you can find sausage, fried chicken, slaw, green beans, and Westphalia Noodles (oh and dessert). I'll post pictures from the picnic sometime for you. :)
Well, for Thanksgiving I made the noodles.
You start with butter...

artery clogging...
(about a stick and a half)
You basically melt that down. In the mean time, crush up about a sleeve of club crackers...
and then put the butter flavored crackers in the butter...

Then you brown them...
until they are crunchy butter flavored bits of delight...

In the mean time, boil noodles. Here's the key - they are a specific type of noodle that used to be called Ronco something or another. I can't find those in the store, so I used another type that I found last year. I can't find those in the store either, so my mom found Manischewitz noodles and they worked pretty well.
Basically, you boil those and put about another stick of butter in them. and then put the cracker crumbs on top. It's YUMMY and super easy.
But what else did we have? Well, it would take too long to list everything, so I'll just show you a picture...

Just so you know, we had a small sampling of pretty much anything you can think of for Thanksgiving -
Turkey, dressing (several types), sausage, ham, chicken fried steak, broccoli casserole, green bean casserole, green beans, salad, mashed potatoes, cornbread, bread, noodles, and desserts to feed an army...and much more...
Then I went to visit more family and was blessed with more wonderful food. Here are a few pics.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh and right now I'm listening to "Let the Time Roll By" - Onward Soldiers
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